Tag: Soil science
Posted on November 2, 2014
To the Ends of the Earth
Decades of field research at both poles has given soil scientists James Bockheim a front-row seat on climate change.
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Class Act: Desire Smith and City Farmer
City Farmer
Posted on June 19, 2014
Back to the Land
Environmental and cultural concerns spark an interest in natural burials—and CALS soil scientists are lending their expertise
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Of Cows and Climate
CALS researchers are leading a far-reaching effort to gather information about greenhouse gases related to dairy—and to give farmers and other industry professionals the tools they need to reduce them.
Posted on March 6, 2014
Goodbye, Bug Guy
He’s been helping farmers, gardeners, landscapers, science students and pest-plagued citizens for decades. We present
a fond look at Phil Pellitteri, Wisconsin’s rock star entomologist, on the eve of his retirement. -
Posted on June 14, 2012
Quenching with Less
The grass gurus at CALS are coming up with water-saving practices for lawn care
Posted on February 24, 2012
Growing Future Farmers
A booming population means more mouths to feed—and more farmers needed to feed them. A number of CALS programs focus on bringing new farmers into the field.
Posted on October 13, 2011
The Grow Dozen: Alumni who are grounded in soil science
12 alumni who are grounded in soil science
Posted on June 20, 2011
Desert Spuds
The quest to improve potato growth in the arid, salty Middle East led to cost-saving innovations and some extraordinary travel experiences
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No Substitute for Experience
Outstanding teachers in our college will tell you that there are many ways to reach the eager minds in our classrooms. An illuminating lecture, a […]
Posted on February 17, 2011
The Grow Dozen: Alumni who are making a difference in forestry and related industries
12 alumni who are making a difference.
Posted on February 15, 2011
Alaska: When the Deep Freeze Thaws
The melting of Arctic permafrost has vast implications for our global climate. CALS professor James Bockheim is studying cores of the frozen soil to gain a glimpse into their future.