On Henry Mall
Organic Experience
DON’T GO PICKING the broad leaves of kale growing in neat rows near Picnic Point. Those vegetables – and all the other produce on the 30,000-square-foot plot – are spoken for. They were sold last spring as part of UW – Madison’s first community-supported agriculture farm, a small-scale experiment created by members of the UW’s F.H. King Students for Sustainable Agriculture. Ten customers bought shares in exchange for weekly deliveries, which are made by students who devote an average of four hours a week working on the farm. “We’re providing a service to students who want to become involved in farm marketing and farm management,” says Vance Smith, a graduate student in the Nelson Institute for Environmental Studies who coordinates the effort. “(This is) a case study for students about how to run a CSA.”
This article was posted in Around the college, Fall 2008, Food Systems, On Henry Mall and tagged Horticulture, Sustainable agriculture.