Fall 2007
On Henry Mall
Ready to Wear… and Eat
You’ve heard of carat weight, but carrot weight?
At Dane County Farmer’s Market, students in UW–Madison’s Dietetics and Nutrition Club are teaching children about good nutrition by making farm-fresh jewelry. As they string edible bracelets, necklaces and headbands, the volunteers talk to kids about the role fresh produce plays in a healthy diet, helping them see that good eating can be good fun. Since the effort began in 2003, many elementary school teachers, day care providers and families have adopted the idea, says Kelli Truszynski BS’07. So what makes the perfect veggie bling? Truszynski says, “We’ve used small potatoes, carrots, radishes, kohlrabi, cheese and even beef sticks.”
This article was posted in Fall 2007, Food Systems, Health, On Henry Mall and tagged Dane County Farmer's Market, Dietetics and Nutrition Club, Food and drink, healthy diet, Kelli Truszynski, Nutrition, Nutritional Science, produce.