
Spring 2015

On Henry Mall

Are bed bugs getting you down? Is a hard-to-identify pest ravaging your vegetable garden? You can get in touch with PJ Liesch MS’10, manager of the UW–Madison Insect Diagnostic Lab, where he succeeds the retired Phil Pellitteri BS’75 MS’77. Liesch (sounds like “leash”), who earned his master’s degree in the lab of entomology professor and UW–Extension specialist Chris Williamson, has been working as a research scientist on campus for the past few years and served as interim manager of the Insect Diagnostic Lab before being named to the position permanently.

He greatly enjoys interacting with the public. When he receives an inquiry, he not only does his best to answer the question, he also tries to provide more information about the insect and to share additional photos and links to help people learn more. Liesch started a blog, “What’s Crawling in the Lab,” to share what people in Wisconsin are finding in their homes, backyards, forests and fields—you can see it at insect blog. He also started a Twitter account people can use to reach him, @UW_InsectLab. And you can always reach him by phone at (608) 262-6510.

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